Sunday, March 21, 2010

Section 3 of Telemedicine Act 1997

The issue on this section is on about persons who may practice telemedicine in their course of employment.

Section 3 of the Telemedicine Act 1997 states:

(1) No person other than

     a. A fully registered medical practitioner holding a valid practicing certificate or

     b. A medical practitioner who is registered or licensed outside Malaysia and

          i. Holds a certificate to practice telemedicine issued by the council and

          ii. Practices telemedicine from outside Malaysia through a fully registered medical practitioner    holding      a valid practicing certificate.

May practice telemedicine.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(a) the director general may upon , an application being made by a fully registered medical practitioner, permit in writing, subject to such terms and conditions as the Director General may specify, a provisionally registered medical practitioner, a registered medical assistant, a registered nurse, a registered midwife or any other person providing healthcare, to practice telemedicine if such person

     a. Is deemed suitable by the Director General to be so permitted and

     b. Is under the supervision, direction and authority of the fully registered medical practitioner making the application

(3) Any person who practices telemedicine in contravention of this section, notwithstanding that he so practices from outside Malaysia shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years to both.

For analyzing the provision above, it can be concluded that to practice telemedicine , it is necessity for the medical practitioner to register with the medical council so that they can practice legally in our country. The same situation would apply to those foreigner medical practitioner as it is compulsory to register before they practice in Malaysia.



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